Netherlands East Indies Japanese Invasion Money
The Dutch East Indies, or Netherlands East Indies, was the Dutch colony that soon after the war gained independence and is now known as Indonesia.
Dutch East Indies notes were produced in the following denominations: Een (1) Cent, Vijf (5) Cent, Tien (10) Cent, Half Gulden, Een (1) Gulden, Vijf (5) Gulden, Tien (10) Gulden, Setengah (½) Roepiah, Satoe (1) Roepiah, Lima (5) Roepiah, Sepoeloeh (10) Roepiah, Seratoes (100) Roepiah, Seriboe (1000) Roepiah.
Burma 1 Rupee BD 12 AUD
Netherlands East Indies 1 Cent SS 1.75 AUD
Burma 5 Rupees BB 6 AUD
Burma 1/2 Rupee BD 5 AUD
Burma 1 Rupee BD 15 AUD
Burma 5 Cents BF 7 AUD
Burma 1 Cent B/CO 4 AUD
Burma 1 Cent B/CO 4 AUD
Burma 1/4 Rupee BO 15 AUD
Burma 1/4 Rupee BC 35 AUD
Nederlandsch-Indie 1 gulden 3.5 AUD